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Thursday 1 February 2018

Procedures for Marriage of Muslims and Non-Muslims in Dubai | UAE EMPLOYMNET

Getting Married in Dubai You Must know the Procedure and requirements.

Marriage is bound of men and women relationship. UAE is World number One Country where the Workers is from every corner of the world.Life in UAE is very fast from other countries.Employment opportunities in UAE is more then other countries in the Gulf.The Resident of UAE is very Happy from the Government. Safety of People is the first priority in UAE.Every thing is cheap with no tax like other countries.Residents can ride very easy by using a taxi, metro, bus or their own cars.Life in UAE is Amazing.

Under the UAE's law, marriage is the only legal bond for a man and a woman to establish a relationship and form a family. The law identifies marriage as a legal contract between a man and a woman, aimed at protecting the rights of the couple and their children. Live-in relationships are prohibited for all citizens and residents regardless of their nationality or religion. 

Marriage in Islam is a legal contract between a man and a woman living together aimed at safeguarding the rights of the couple and their children. The marriage contract should be registered in a Sharia court in the UAE, which ensures that the marriage meets legal requirements. For non-Islamic marriages, couples should contact their church or embassy and follow the marriage laws applicable there.

Requirements for Muslim marriages

For them Who planning to Getting Married in Dubai must see the requirements for Muslim marriages:

1. Marriage contract needs to be registered in a Sharia court in the UAE.
 Legal age for marriage is 18 Hijri years; otherwise, the judge's approval is required.

2.A spouse's age should not be twice the other; otherwise, the judge's approval is sought.

3.A premarital screening certificate is needed.
4.Attendance of the couple is required.
5.Attendance of the bride's father or his proxy and two male Muslim witnesses are required.

6.For a woman to get married, she needs the consent of her guardian.
7.In case of father's death, the presence of the next closest male guardian i.e. closest kin such as elder brother is required.
8.Divorced and widowed women must produce a proof of the status.

The couple should furnish a pre-marital medical certificate issued from a Dubai government hospital/government clinic to rule out diseases such as thalassemia or HIV/AIDS.

If the bride is Muslim and her father is not, she needs a 'No Objection' letter from her embassy or consulate.

Newly converted female Muslims should submit ‘certificate of embracing Islam’ and certificates from any Islamic centre approved by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf). Divorcees should submit official certificate / divorce judgement. Widows and Widowers should submit death certificate of their late spouse. All certificates not issued in the UAE should be legally translated into Arabic. Power of attorney and other certificates issued from a country outside the UAE should be legally translated and ratified by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, UAE Embassy of that country, UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UAE Ministry of Justice. 

While Dubai may be the perfect location for a destination wedding, couples who are not UAE residents cannot have an official registered court marriage in the UAE, said Hamade. However, many couples still choose Dubai as a top destination for their wedding celebrations.

If you’re spending most of your time picking out the perfect wedding dress and worrying about the venue, it may be time to stop and first give a thought to the paperwork you need to complete to make your big day a reality.

also more read about LIFE in DUBAI.
