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Sunday 22 October 2017

Bodybuilder reveals the gruelling regime that helped him secure dream job as a fitness model

  • Ryan Terry, 28, quit his job as a plumber to take up bodybuilding full-time 
  • The fitness model, from Notts, has since won a string of bodybuilding contests
  • The Mr Olympia title holder works as an ambassador for sports nutrition bran.

  • A skinny plumber has undergone a remarkable transformation to become the fittest man in the UK.
    Ryan Terry, 28, from Worksop, Nottinghamshire, overhauled his diet and workout regime to bulk up by 2 stone and become a bodybuilding champion over the space of seven years.
    He recently competed in the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest and finished in sixth place - making him the highest-placed British competitor. 
    Ryan, who admits he used to have a 'complex' about the way he looked, says she struggled with his 'slender' physique growing up.

    Earlier this year Ryan, who currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida, scooped the Men’s Physique prize in the Arnold Classic, a sports festival where he met his hero Arnold Schwarzenegger. 
    In 2010, he quit his job as a fully-qualified plumber to take up fitness full-time after winning his first bodybuilding show aged 22.
    He has since scored a job as an ambassador for sports nutrition brand USN, as well as working as a model and fitness athlete.
    Now, he regularly competes in shows including Mr Olympia which he says takes 12 weeks' diet and fitness preparation. 
    The fitness athlete kicks off his day with an hour of cardio before breakfast, followed by weight training (six days a week).

    He also packs bodybuilding, football, walking and swimming into his hectic schedule, ploughing through six meals a day (amounting to around 3,800 calories) in order to get through the necessary 200g of protein. 
    Ryan said: 'Firstly, I have oatmeal and I add flaked almonds and USN whey protein. My second meal is a tin of tuna, jacket potato, flack seed oil and vegetables and I will go on like that throughout the rest of the day. 
    'So, it might be a chicken breast with rice, peanut butter or just vegetables with whatever meal I’m eating.'
    And when it comes to looking his best for a show, Ryan  has got his beauty regime down to a fine art.
    He said: 'I would have a clean razor cut shave at the start of the week because they like you very clean cut on stage, no rugged beards!
    'My barber would sort my hair out as well. I also have a lot of massages to try and get all my knots out of my muscles so that when I’m on stage posing, I can hit my poses quite quickly so I don’t cramp up or shake on stage. 
    'I will also have a full body shave because when you do the tanning, the tan goes on a lot better and it shows off your definition a lot more.
     The final step is to put the tan on, two days before. You have put it on in layers though. I have to put on three coats in total, one every eight hours.
    'You can’t wash it off, so it’s not the most glamorous part of the job. It’s all about presenting yourself in the best form though. You’ve lost all the fat; all the hard work is done and all you need to do is mentally get yourself ready for the stage.'
    Ryan Terry is an ambassador for sports nutrition brand USN, who have launched a nationwide search to find the next male and female 'Face of USN'. For further details about the campaign or to enter visit faceof.usn.co.uk 

    Describing his daily diet, Ryan said: 'Firstly, I have oatmeal and I add flaked almonds and USN whey protein. My second meal is a tin of tuna, jacket potato, flack seed oil and vegetables'
