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Wednesday 13 December 2017

How to buy dairy products? Safety Tips | UAE Employment

How to buy Dairy products some very important safety tips.

There are few dairy products for sale in the market. Milk, yogurt, ice-cream and milk powder are the most common. Dairy products have a high nutritional value, however, if they are stored or handled improperly, germs will have a chance to propagate in them, and they will turn sour. therefore in order to ensure healthy diet, we have to be very careful while choosing and storing them.

Safety tips:
Cans containing dairy products should be finely shaped and without rust.
They should not be swelled or deformed.
The appearance of the container must not be damaged.
The product should not be clotted or layered and they should also be odourless.
Do not buy expired dairy products.
The labeled should list the items clearly and completely.
Dairy product for sale should be placed in proper environment and stored at the appropriate temperature. avoid buying products that have been direct under sunlight.

Proper Environment for Storage:
Ice-Cream should be stored on the freezer under -18°C

Fresh Milk and yogurt should be stored at a temperature of 2-5°C

Canned milk powder should be stored in cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight and other light.

NOTE: Dairy products should be used within the allotted storage period.They should be kept in the refrigerator after they are unsealed and should be finished within one to two days so they don't tum sour.
