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Sunday 8 January 2017


Human Rights in Islam
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not.  Since Islam also protects honour, therefore insulting others or making fun of them is not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad   said: “Truly your blood, your property, and your honour are inviolable.” 
Islam rejects certain individuals or nations being favoured because of their wealth, power or race.  God created human beings as equals who are to be distinguished from each other only on the basis of their faith and piety.  The Prophet Muhammad   said: “O people!  Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab…..except in piety.”
The UAE cares for citizens and residents of all nationalities, races and religions. Towards this goal, the government is keen on enacting the federal and local laws to preserve and maintain the dignity of individuals. All government entities provide not only the services and information that citizens and residents need in their daily life but also the protection required in cases of necessity. 
All equal before the law

The UAE embraces human rights in line with Islamic law, which is the main source of legislation in the UAE. It is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948.
The Constitution of the UAE  stipulates that all people, irrespective of their races, nationalities, religions and social positions, are equal before the law. It guarantees human rights, prohibits all forms of torture and degrading treatment and allows arrests, searches, attachments, imprisonments and unauthorized entries only in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Public safety and the law The UAE Vision 2021 stipulates that the government pledges to protect society against crimes, maintain social stability, prevent external hazards, if any; and enhance the readiness of the emergency system to prevent the disasters and epidemics.
Judicial SystemThe Judicial System in the UAE functions in a twofold legal framework which includes the local judiciary and the federal judiciary. The relationship between the two systems is regulated by articles 94 to 109 of the UAE Constitution, which describes the broad principles of both systems, while leaving the details to the discretion of local judiciaries without violating or contradicting the broad principles laid down by the constitution.
Federal or local first instance courtsappeal courts and cassation courts are available in all the emirates. There are also Sharia courts, which look into personal status cases such as marriage, divorce, inheritance etc.
Federal legislation and lawsThe eLegal portal provides an electronic database and a major legal portal for the legislation and laws in the UAE. Through Dubai Courts’ website, you can review the federal and local laws by typefederal and local laws by official newspaper and federal and local laws by category. At the federal level, the Ministry of Economy has also sources of all the laws pertaining to the legal aspect of businesses including intellectual property protection law, laws pertaining to trademarks and trade agencies, companies law and consumer protection law. To ensure that your legal status is safe, a law on suppression of fraud and deceit in commercial transactions was also issued.
Local LawsEach emirate enacts its local laws to ensure that the rights of inhabitants are protected. At the local level,Dubai Courts has established on its website a gateway containing all federal and local laws in addition to decrees and agreements and tracking the amendments to and cancellation of these laws. You can also review all the local laws issued in Dubai. The Ministry of Interior makes all employees aware of their full rights through their website section called The Worker: Rights and Duties.
Ministry of Interior’s Human Rights DepartmentThe Ministry of Interior’s Human Rights Department is concerned with the maintenance of human rights and the freedom and dignity of members of society as guaranteed by the Constitution, laws and legislation. It is also concerned with the deployment of human rights culture by contributing to the production of a document on the code of conduct and police ethics and the  incorporation of human rights in the curricula of colleges and police academies, as well as ongoing follow-up on the commitment of leaders and police departments to the regulations and controls that guarantee human rights.
Human Rights at Community Development Authority The Community Development Authority has devoted a section for human rights in its structure to disseminate and consolidate the concept of human rights among the individuals of the society through educational and training programmes and projects and the provision of support to the individuals who face human rights violations. Here are more details about this section and its role in the society.
Report Child Abuse in Dubai to Community Development Authority
All children have a right to security and protection. The CDA has a Child Protection Centre and confidential toll-free number to report child abuse. Any child in Dubai who needs help, protection from physical or sexual abuse, or advice can pick up the phone and dial 800-988 any time. The Child Protection Centre is part of CDA’s comprehensive strategy to make Dubai the most secure and ideal environment for children to live.
Dubai International Arbitration CentreA significant initiative was launched by Dubai Chamber when it set up Dubai International Arbitration Centreat its headquarters in 1994. The centre, which is an autonomous, permanent, non-profit institution, provides services for commercial arbitration and settlement of disputes arising between the trading parties with the aim of protecting their rights through arbitrators from different nationalities and fields of specialization who have high qualifications and are aware of the principles and procedures of international arbitration. TheCentre for Responsible Business, which is based in Dubai Chamber, provides informative, training and consultative services aimed at enhancing the ability of companies to support the work environments that take into consideration such values as transparency, credibility and business ethics.
Mass MediaThe media sector in Dubai and the UAE has witnessed a massive growth in all fields, particularly in radio and TV, after HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, provided his support for press freedom in all fields, describing the journalist as theconscience of the nation on condition that journalists should abide by integrity and neutrality norms and seek the truth that would contribute to the development of society.
Center for Prevention of Human TraffickingThe Center for Prevention of Human Trafficking, which is a subsidiary of Dubai Police Headquarters, aims to exercise an oversight role for offenses of human trafficking, through surveying and analyzing of such offences. It seeks to establish cooperation with local and regional establishments against such crimes and to detect different methods used by human trafficking networks.
Human Rights ComplaintsThose whose human rights have been violated can file a complaint through the Human Rights Complain Form provided by the Community Development Authority on its website for easy communication between the Human Rights sector (complaint section), which is concerned with the human rights violations in Dubai, and all the categories of the local community (without exception) who think their human rights have been violated. Human rights specialists will communicate in confidence with the complainant for verification and clarification about the complaint. Dubai Smart Government provide residents with the possibility of filing a complaint against any government entity in Dubai through the Dubai Government’s Unified Customer Complaints’ Portal  (eComplain). At the UAE level, you can file a complaint against any federal government entity, if necessary, through a service provided by the Federal National Council.
Tourist Security and Labour ComplaintsThe Tourist Security Department was set up with the aim of taking care of tourists and tourist groups. This department seeks to provide utmost security to tourists as the Government of Dubai considers tourism as one of the pillars of the economy and seeks to attract foreign investments. 
Dubai Police’s labour complaint allows workers to submit individual or collective complaints against establishments and private institutions, for whom they work, in regard to the living conditions and wages or the standard of living in labour camps with the aim of ensuring the security and safety conditions in their housing are met. Labour complaints are received round the clock on toll free 8005005.
Right to Participation All UAE residents can follow up the news of the Federal National Council and communicate with its members to discuss any national issue they like through the Post your Opinion service.